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ZERϴ Network is the first EVM-compatible rollup that eliminates the need for gas entirely within the network.

Despite the improvements in crypto UX, gas fees are still a significant barrier. Gas is complicated, confusing and painful. To overcome gas once and for all and effectively set a new standard for onchain UX, we leveraged the ZK Stack.

ZERϴ Network will be completely gasless, meaning that any token can be used to pay network fees. We also designed a custom paymaster which will enable us to cover all transaction costs for Zerion wallet users and is open to all dApp developers.

ZERϴ Rollup Diagram

ZERϴ does not require users to pay gas which means that dApps can offer new experiences where more interactions are onchain and yet feel as smooth as Web2 ones.

Building on ZERϴ

ZERϴ is an EVM-compatible chain which means that dApps can be ported from the Ethereum mainnet or L2 networks. This opens up opportunities for chain expansion to existing applications and the ZERϴ ecosystem will feature some of the largest dapps in crypto.

Developers are encouraged to leverage Zerion’s world-class API. It offers access to real-time onchain data on transactions, wallet balances, NFTs and more.

Interested in building on ZERϴ? Zerion will be happy to support you through our dedicated grant program. Fill out this form here to express interest and we’ll be in touch.