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Building a dApp on ZERϴ Network

ZERϴ is built to provide a similar developer experience as Etherem, so migrating your existing dapp from another EVM is quite seamless.


The ZERϴ Paymaster

When building a decentralized application (dApp) on ZERϴ Network, developers should approach the creation of transactions as they would on a standard blockchain. However, when the dApp is accessed through a Zerion Wallet, it automatically leverages the ZERϴ Paymaster. This feature ensures that these transactions are free for the end-users, greatly enhancing the user experience.

The best part? There is no additional configuration required on the part of the developer when using the Zerion Wallet or ZERϴ Paymaster.

Custom Paymaster

The use of custom paymasters is also possible. The design of accounts on ZERϴ Network is the same as on zkSync Era, so its paymasters can be easily reused. Furthermore, Zerion Wallet will display these transactions correctly too.

Building the Frontend

To build the frontend for your dapp, review the relevant network settings in the Network Information documentation.

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