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Security and Finality

Finality on ZERϴ

As with other L2 rollup systems, finality and security on ZERϴ is tied to the finality and security of the underlying L1 Ethereum chain. Finality on ZERϴ is the time taken from sending a transaction to when the L1 smart contract updates the L2 state. The process has a few steps:

  • Fill a batch with transactions (usually takes a few minutes).
  • Commit the batch to Ethereum.
  • Generate a proof for the whole batch (usually takes around an hour).
  • Submit the proof for verification by the Ethereum smart contract.
  • Finalize the batch on Ethereum (delayed by ~21 hours as a security measure during the alpha phase).

Zero-time Confirmations

Users may consider transactions submitted to ZERϴ as having instantaneous zero-time confirmation (<1 seconds on average), their finality is usually around 24 hours. Transaction details are instantly displayed in the UI and API (although they are marked as unconfirmed), and the transferred assets can be used immediately to make further transfers.

Open Source

ZERϴ is built on the fully permissive MIT/Apache licensed ZK Stack, created by Matter Labs. The Zerion Wallet’s core code base is open-sourced. ZERϴ also uses zkSync's contracts and sequencer which are already audited.

Built by Zerion

Developers can tap into Zerion’s infrastructure and applications to distribute their dapps to hundreds of thousands of active users. Built by the core team at Zerion, we’re committed to helping you build the best onchain experience on ZERϴ.

Bug Bounty Program

To ensure that ZERϴ is the most secure onchain network available, we offer a bug bounty program open to everyone! Our active bug bounty program has rewards of up to $25,000 (paid in USDC, DAI, or ETH).

🔒 To get a rundown on how our bounty works, please visit our Immunefi Bug Bounty Portal: Link